Category 5

The Most Hilariously Bad Date Stories You’ll Ever Hear

Bad dates: they’re the stuff of nightmares, but also comedy gold. If you’ve ever left a date thinking, “Well, that’s…

Top 5 Worst First Date Ideas (That People Somehow Think Are Great)

First dates are tricky enough without bad ideas making them worse. Yet somehow, these questionable activities keep popping up as…

The Most Overused Dating Profile Clichés (And How to Spot Them)

Dating profiles are a window into someone’s personality—or at least, that’s the theory. In reality, they’re often filled with clichés…

How to Recover from Awkward Silence on a Date

You’re on a date, things are going great, and then it happens—the dreaded awkward silence. Suddenly, the sound of the…

5 Hilarious First Date Fails That Prove You’re Not Alone

First dates are a minefield of awkward moments, bad jokes, and questionable life choices. No matter how much you prepare,…