Category 2

Why Your To-Do List is Secretly Out to Get You

Ah, the humble to-do list—a seemingly innocent piece of paper designed to help you stay organized. But let’s be honest:…

How to Avoid Being Productive (While Looking Super Busy)

There’s an art to avoiding productivity, and if done correctly, no one will suspect a thing. You can dodge actual…

The Ultimate Guide to Winning Arguments You’re Definitely Losing

We’ve all been there: mid-argument, realizing you’re wrong but too far in to back down gracefully. Don’t worry, friend. With…

The Art of Procrastination: A Masterclass in Doing Nothing

Ah, procrastination—the fine art of delaying the inevitable while convincing yourself you’re “being productive.” Whether it’s cleaning the entire house…

How to Overthink Absolutely Everything (Like a Pro)

Congratulations! You’ve unlocked the secret to life’s greatest skill: overthinking. Why make one simple decision when you can spiral into…